Nathan Fallet

Nathan Fallet

Mobile app developer

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The Replica is a mini game where you have to replica the picture on the table before you the most quickly. The game spends in differents sleeves: the last player who finishe is eradicated.

You have to add ProtocolLib on your server else the Replica doesn't work!
Take the version which corresponds to your server.

To install this mini game on your server, download it here. Move the downloaded file in the /plugins/ folder of your server.

To configure the plugin, start your server a first time to generate the /plugins/Replica/config.yml file. When the file is generated, open it.
You will find all the options in this table:

Property Description
games-amount The number of games to load
countdown The delay before the game starts
spawn-command The command the player will dispatch automatically to teleport to the spawn at the end of the game. It can be spawn, hub or anything else depending of your server.
reward-commands The commands the console executes when a player win a game.
Use %player% like the player nickname.
pictures Here you can find all the pictures made with ReplicaPictureMaker

You have to reload/restart your server to apply changes.

Syntax Description
/replica goto Allow to teleport in the Replica's world
/replica buildmode Allow to enable/disable the buildmode.
The buildmode allow to build in the Replica's area to edit the build area of the game.

Information & links


Version: 1.3.1

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